You need:
- Food coloring or liquid watercolor – I used liquid watercolor because that is what I had in the house; but food coloring would work just as well. I used primary colors red, yellow, blue because they easily mix into other colors.
- Water
- Ice Trays of some sort
- Paper
I know that if you live in the South and Midwest you’ve been sweltering in the heat and humidity. In seconds all the supplies that I put on the deck were covered in condensation…including me and my camera!
Mix together the water and food coloring, pour into the trays, and freeze.
Once frozen, place cubes of various colors into clear containers, and let them melt.
Wait for the heat to do it’s work. It doesn’t take long when it is 97 degrees!
See how it changes as it melts!
Observe and discuss the change in colors. Once melted, you can paint pictures with brushes or squirt the paint using droppers, or just pour the color onto paper to make a design.
Have fun beating the heat and experimenting together!
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