This is an unusual topic for CCK, but we are going to make DIY dog toys. It is likely that many of you have pets who are beloved furry family members. This post is for them!
Our grand-pup is Amelia. She is a mini aussie-poo, which is an Australian shepherd and poodle mix adopted Bethany and Adam, my daughter and son-in-law. She is a high energy dog, super smart, and lightening fast. She loves people and has a friendly, sunny disposition. However, she has to be kept busy or she finds trouble!
She has chewed through and destroyed many purchased toys. The cost adds up fast. We have come up with some home-made dog toys for her that she loves. They keep her out of trouble and it saves money too.
We keep an eye on everything that she plays with, whether it’s from a store or homemade because she plays and chews the ba-jeebers out of everything until it is in pieces. If you use these ideas, supervise your pet and toys.
The Treat Tennis Ball
Bethany cut a flap in a tennis ball and placed some treats in it. She has quick access to give Amelia treats when playing fetch. Right now Amelia can’t get to the treats, but that may change as she grows. She thinks it smells soooo good!
Crunchy Plastic Water Bottle in a Sock
Place a plastic water bottle in a sock and tie a knot in the sock. It makes a crunchy sounds as it is pounced on and chewed.
Once that has become boring add some pebbles or beans to change the sound. Screw the lid on securely then…
..tie the sock firmly for safety and you have created a noisy, new toy!
Plastic Bag in a Sock
Stuff plastic bags and tie off of the sock:
It’s simple way to create a new rustling sound and a different texture for chewing.
Treats in a Glove
Place treats in the fingers of an old glove. My mother-in-law’s poodle loves this and it keeps her busy when she is home alone.
Knotted Towel
A towel can be cut into strips and knotted; or you can knot an old sock. Amelia likes to fetch and chew her knotted toys. Another option is to wet it and freeze it. These frozen toys can help soothe puppy when teething. Amelia loves ice cold items!
Muffin Tin Game
Here is a clever game Bethany and Adam created for Amelia. Just put a treat into each cup of a muffin tin, then place a ball on top of each treat. The pup can smell the treats and has to figure out how to get to them. Amelia usually manages to flip the tin to get to the treats:
Choosing Pets for Your Family
Before living with Bethany and Adam, Amelia’s first home had a toddler and a new baby on the way. I personally don’t think an aussie-poo puppie like Amelia would be a good pet for a home with small children. It would take constant supervision to keep a toddler safe because of the pup’s natural need to chew and her sharp little teeth. She also requires a lot of exercise, time and training. Once mature she will make a great pet for older children.
If you have children under six give careful consideration to your choice of dogs. Pet education.com describes factors to consider before choosing a pet. Another excellent resource for choosing a pet is Dog Time. It has a survey to take that matches a breed of dog with your lifestyle and expectations. When you decide which breed or a mix suits your family, consider looking at your local animal shelter for a pet that needs a new home.
Have fun with your family and your furry friends!
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