To celebrate summer time we’re making a crown of grass. This craft was inspired by Ms. Lora from our local library’s summer preschool story time. She made this crown with our preschoolers. The kids loved it and they looked adorable. It requires only basic supplies and a wide age group can create them. It is a simple preschool activity to celebrate summer.
Supplies needed for a crown of grass:
Crayons, stapler, crayons, scissors, a piece of green construction paper, summer stickers
Cut the piece of green construction in half. Then snip the edge of one side of the paper to make grass. If you are concerned about your child cutting the paper all the way through, draw a line so that she will know where to stop.
If your kiddo is younger, that may be all of the cutting that they want to do, but if you have an older child they may like to snip the edges some more to make it look more grass-like. They can also add come color to make it look more realistic. Here’s a comparison:
Once the grass is cut add stickers of summer critters, flowers, bugs, birds, and anything else related to the season. Then staple the two pieces to make one long strip. Size it to your child’s head and staple the other ends together to finish the crown.
Adorable. I need someone to model it!
This craft would coordinate well with the movie “Epic”.
Have fun cutting grass together! 🙂
Just click the images below to see a few of our favorite books that connect to the craft. They are about grass and summer time.
From Amazon: