This little competitive counting game is amazingly simple and requires no objects. It teaches counting with one-to-one correspondence and cardinality. It is perfect for the kinesthetic learner who needs to move but can work in the car and on road trips too. It can be played practically anywhere and can be easily adapted to your child’s learning level. This math game is called “Body Count”.
Here we go!
How to Play Body Count
Body Count can be played with one child or a group of children can take turns. Ask your child to answer the following questions or complete the tasks. The level of difficulty can be increased by increasing the numbers or increasing the difficulty of the question or task. The following examples are “somewhat” listed from easy to more difficult:
- Blink your eyes 3 times
- Pat your head 5 times
- Clap your hands 1 time then jump 2 times
- How many hands are in the room?
- Turn around 2 times.
- Open and shut your mouth 4 times
- Stand on one foot for 6 seconds
- How many fingers are in the room?
- Tug your left ear 8 times, then tug your right ear 2 times
- Touch each finger to your thumbs and count the touches
- Shrug your shoulders 9 times.
- March in place 14 times
- Click your tongue 5 times
- How many knees and feet are in the room?
- Hiss like a snake for 10 seconds
- Shake another’s player hand 6 times
- Take 5 steps and do jazz hands at the same time
- Tap your shoulders 4 times then touch your toes 8 times
- Touch your elbow to your knee alternating, 4 times
- How many belly buttons are in the room?
- Hop on one foot 7 times
- Blow 5 kisses
- How many thumbs and ears are in the room?
- Twirl like a ballerina 3 times
- Shake hands with the other players and say, “Good Game!”
- Fellow players reply, “Thanks for playing!”
Kids and adults can create their own directions and kids can direct other kids as well. It can become as simple or as complex as needed.
Have fun counting together!
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