To make swirl pancakes we need:
- A plastic squeeze bottle – they can be found at the dollar store or walmart
- Your favorite pancake recipe
- A skillet or gridle
- Vegatable oil, sunflower oil, or something to grease the skillet
- Toppings: syrup, fruit, powdered sugar, honey
Make the pancake batter consistency so that it can be squeezed through the bottle.
For a crisper pancake, the batter needs to be a bit thinner. Also when you are making the swirls, move more quickly so that the strands are thin.
For softer, fluffier panckes make the batter a bit thicker and move more slowly so that the strands are thicker.
First, place a teaspoon or two of oil (we used sunflower oil) in the skillet and spread it around the bottom. Heat the skillet so that it is medium hot. It is important for it to pre-heated.
Squeeze the pancake batter into the skillet making swirls:
Once the bubbles appear, flip it over.
Serve it with your favorite fruit, maple syrup, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar…or all of the above!
We decided to add some Wilton gel color for some spring creations. If you don’t want to use a food coloring, consider using fruit purees to add color and flavor to your pancakes.
To make the flowers or anyother design, first draw the outline and then fill it in. After making flowers we had to make some crazy designs with the colored batter:
We had a wonderful time creating and eating our pancakes on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon and I hope you do too. 🙂