HUG by Jez Alborough is a favorite children’s book for Valentine’s Day. A literacy connection can easily be made with the Valentine’s Day with art and activities too!
It has few words which lends to keeping the story very simple or expanding it for older children. You can talk about jungle animals, families, friendship, helping others, sadness, loneliness, and joy! It is the story of a little monkey noticing the love shared between other jungle babies and their parents.
As he continues his journey he becomes distraught and upset when he realizes that he is alone.
But rest assured the story has a happy ending.
After reading this story you can discuss Valentine’s Day and how this is special day to express your love and appreciation for family and friends.
Valentine’s Day art and activities:
This is a a great little Valentine that even toddlers can make with paper, glue, and tissue paper.
Print or draw a heart. Then apply Elmer’s liquid glue with a q-tip or fingers. Place tissue paper squares on a heart:
Older children can dictate an “I love you” message to family members, draw pictures, and write their name.
Conversation hearts can be used for sorting, graphing, and counting activities. This printable is from Teaching Tiny Tots.com.
Happy Valentines Day!
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