Supplies needed:
- Glass gallon sized pickle jar is shown, but plastic would be safer
- Water
- Thermometer
- Potting soil
- Grass seed (or other seeds of your choice)
- Egg carton
- Sunshine (and temps above freezing)
- Paper and pencil
The objective is for children to observe and experience the changes that happen inside the jar and record their observations.
Part 1
Take the temperature outside of the jar. Write down the number.
Put the thermometer inside the jar, put the lid on it, and set it in the sun. Check the temperature again, record it and compare the numbers. More importantly, have your child feel how warm the inside of the jar feels. Discuss how the sun warms the earth and is an essential key for growing plants.
Part 2
Make a little farm by putting some soil in a egg carton and sprinkling it with seeds:
Place the lid on the jar, then put it in the sunshine. If it is placed outside be sure the temperatures are above freezing. We cut the ends out of the top of the egg carton, then place it under the jar to keep it from rolling around.
Observe the jar. Children can draw or record their observations on paper. It will grow into a fresh and fabulous bright green garden! Notice how the sun has warmed the jar and condensation has developed.
The inside of the jar is warm and moist. It smells and feels like a spring day!
This activity explores science and has literacy components as well. Have fun exploring weather together!
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