In honor of summer time we are making Lemon-Lime Play Dough. It smells so refreshing and we want to mix up the wonderful colors and flavors. It is perfect for a day when it is just to dog-gone hot to go outside and play!
This Jello play dough recipe was found at the Rookie Cookie. We made two batches, one with lemon and the other with lime Jello.
Summertime Play Dough from Jello
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 Tbsp cream of tartar (I used 1 to 2 tsp of vinegar to substitute for the cream of tarter)
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup warm water
1 3 oz package of Jell-O (any flavor, but we used lemon and lime, the cheap stuff)
I also added extra yellow and green gel food coloring to bump up the intensity of the color.
Combine ingredients and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until it thickens and pulls away from the sides of pot and becomes dull. Mold and knead with the wooden spoon until cool enough to touch. Turn it out onto a table and continue kneading until cool enough for little hands to play with it. Store in a closed plastic bag.
Notes: It is initially sticky and lumpy, but just keep stirring, then kneading and it has a smooth and gel like consistency. Be sure and use medium heat as it burns easily.
It smells so good! Just like juicy fruit gum.
Mix it up!
Grown-ups let the kids smoosh the colors together. It’s okay. If you were like me, you were told, “Don’t mix the colors.” But really…nothing bad happens if you do. This will truly create your lemon-lime play dough!
See the transformation, it is so fun for little ones to see what happens when they colors are scrunched and melded together!
Make a batch and have fun smooshing colors together.
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