To create an exciting New Years Eve for the kids in your life and to include them in the celebration, these activities will fill the night with memories and fun.
Kick off the festivities by making a:
Creative Activities
Finger Paint – a home-made, edible recipe that works great for toddlers too!
Get them Moving!
Card Games
- Old Maid
- Uno
- Go Fish
- War
Games ~ Oldies but goodies
- Mother May I
- Red Light Green Light
- Duck Duck Goose
- Drop the Handkerchief
- Button Button, Who’s got the Button
- Heads Up Seven Up – great for a big group
- Simon Says
Rules for kids’ games can be found here.
Create a ballon drop:
You need: balloons, trash bag that’s cut open, painter’s tape, length of string or yarn
Blow up the balloons, place them on a opened trash bag. Tape the string to the end of the trash bag for the ‘pull’, and then tape it all to the ceiling using just enough painters tape to secure it. At midnight, pull the string to release the balloons.
You can could also have your kids make confetti by letting them snip strips of paper into little pieces.
Wishing you a New Years Eve of fun and happy memories!
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