First, take a walk to enjoy the great outdoors. Rustle through the leaves, enjoy the smell of fall in the air, and make a memory with your kids! Gather up the lovely leaves. This pic is straight out of the camera. Beautiful!
Supplies for our leaf turkey:
Once the leaves are gathered, all that is needed are: googly eyes, a paper plate, glue, and scissors:
Cut the paper plate in half to make the arch for the turkey’s “feathers”. Glue the leaves to the paper plate in layers using a glue stick. It took a lot of glue! Then we needed to the hold the leaves in place for a few moments to really get them to stick:
We chose a leaf for the body, beak, and wattle. Scissors can be used to shape them up a bit. Googly eyes brought our turkey to life!
If your child is a very young preschooler or a toddler, it is highly unlikely that their turkey is going to look like a turkey. Young children enjoy the process of gluing and creating without concern for what the product looks like. That is great! They love to experiment with the materials, feel them with the little fingers, and go crazy with glue. Even though their turkey might not look like a turkey, they are learning with each step of the process. And they are enjoying every moment with you.
Hope you have a wonderful time making leaf turkeys together!
Also just a reminder about our fundraiser…
Shop and Give – Online Thirty-One Fundraiser for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Dont’ forget to Shop and Give to our Dolly Parton’s Imagination Libary! It is an online Thirty-One fundraiser. Our consultant is donating her comission so without spending a penny more you will be providing books for preschoolers in rural Missouri as you shop for Christmas. Shop here! A post with all of the details is here. Thank you so much!