Dads, it’s not too late! Nor does it need to be too expensive to amaze the mother of your children and your bride that your love runs deep and your children are genius. As the stomach is the way to a man’s heart helpful hands is the way to a woman’s heart!
Meaningful Mother’s Day Ideas
- Divide up age appropriately “chores” for the kids and dad to all share. Dad make sure you lead, train, and support the kids. Mom should rarely have to enforce this plan. That will take “the gift” away.
- Have a mom’s night off – Dad and children cook and clean up after the meal. Here are some hints and recipes…a great site!
- One Saturday a month dad and kids do all the laundry in the house or clean the bathrooms.
- Everyone save up for a gift certificate for a manicure or pedicure.
- Make homemade “Happy Mother’s Day” cards out of stuff you find in each of your closets. (No dirty socks allowed)
- Think back about the pictures Mom has said were her favorites. Make copies and put together a collage of those pictures. Put them in a frame, a place-mat, a mouse-pad, or a small scrap book. Walgreens can do amazing things with your family photos.
- Pick out mom’s favorites songs and put together a concert or a play list.
If you need ideas for notes and gifts from the heart click here: Notes and Ideas for Mother’s Day
I surveyed some friends to see what their suggestions where for the best and worst of Mother’s Day gifts and this is what they said:
Top Five Best Mother’s Day Gifts
# 5 Olive Garden gift card (most importantly HER favorite restaurant)
# 4 An Ipad 5th Generation
# 3 Your Time… WITHOUT your “dumb phone”
# 2 Breakfast in bed on Saturday morning!
# 1 Monthly date nights pre-programmed in both your’s and her smart phones that are on the same nights, with baby sitters already book.
Top Five Worst Mother’s Day Gifts
# 5 McDonalds gift card
# 4 An upload on the 1st Generation ipad she already has the “Bad Piggies Cook Book” app
# 3 A Vacuum Cleaner, Washer & Dryer, or Swiffer Gift Basket
# 2 Breakfast in bed on Saturday morning (before sun-up!)
# 1 A FREE trial membership certificate to the YMCA
The best thing you can do as a father is to sign up to get a “Master’s Degree” of the mother of your children; what “makes her tick” and what “pushes her buttons”. Every day then “wind her clock” a little and stay away from “her buttons.”
My dad told me when I started dating that the best gift you can give your kids is to love their mother, not for what you can get from her, but what you can give her, which will make you both the best you can be. Raising balanced children today requires that they know what security is and how to get it. Show them. Don’t just tell them. It’s well worth the effort!
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