Top organzing tips from Creative Connections for Kids
¤ Walmart is the cheapest place to buy back to school supplies according to Yahoo Finance.
¤ If the kids have been keeping summer sleeping hours such as going to bed late and getting up late, begin changing the routine. Go to bed fifteen minutes earlier each night until they are back at their regular school bed time. Make sure they get up fifteen minutes earlier too.
¤ Clean out the closet, review clothing needs, and organize what is there to help prevent buying things that are already on hand. Check for items that siblings can reuse or repurpose.
¤ For school supplies take inventory of what is on hand before you buy. Then when you purchase items for school keep it to basics. Kids don’t need pencils or pens that glow in the dark or have fancy toppers, or anything else that will be a distraction in the classroom.
¤ If you have older kids talk to them about the budget. Get them involved in price comparisons and online shopping. This is true preparation for reality and adulthood that will quickly arrive.
¤ Plan breakfast menus. It is the most important meal of the day. There are websites that can provide tips and tricks for freezer cooking so that food is ready to go:
¤ Create a morning and bedtime routine. A simple printable from I Heart Organizing for a morning and bedtime routine is here. But you can easily make your own ‘chore chart’ at DLTK. I love both of these sites. A predictable routine is important for young kids because they know what to expect and what to do, which helps life flow much more smoothly.
¤ A lunch station can be created in the fridge so the young students can help put together their own lunches.
¤ Take a few minutes on the weekend and have them plan out their basic wardrobe for the week. I know that some like to make last minute changes and but deciding what to wear can make a morning come to a complete stand still. I know. I have two girls. I’ve been the one standing at the door yelling for them to hurry up and they can’t decide what shirt to wear. What a memory! haha 🙂 Again, I Heart Organizing has some stellar ideas to help tackle closet clutter and keep the morning moving.
¤ Organizational bins, baskets, and boxes can always be found at Walmart and dollar stores. However one of my favorite places to shop online is Really Good Stuff. It is a site primarily for teachers, but their ‘stuff’ can be used in the home as well. (Not a paid ad, I just really like them!)
I hope these tips and tricks will help get your family off to a great school year!

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